The Eighties were 40 Years Ago

Mind blown: 1980 was four DECADES ago but the Eighties never went away…

Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen


1980 was 40 yeras ago. How is that possible?
Image by cesar ayesta from Pixabay

An unbelievable fact entered my mind months ago. It instantly hit home today: 1980 was FORTY years ago. How is that even possible when the 1980s never ever really went away?

A 19-year-old Eddie Murphy debuted on “Saturday Night Live in 1980 and 40 years later, what’s the latest and absolutely greatest thing to happen to SNL? The RETURN of Eddie Murphy.

Eddie Murphy is the Sinatra of comedy, in his own league. Check out the video of SNL’s “Buckwheat Dead’’ skit below. Still hilarious. Watch the latest Eddie Murphy stuff. Very similar but still great.

Eighties nostalgia began early (sometime in the ’90s) and stayed.

You hear Eighties music playing in all sorts of restaurants because it’s “consensus’’ music, something everyone, old and young, seems capable of appreciating.



Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.