The Kids Meal Diet: How to Cut Costs, Calories — and Acid Reflux?

Why some adults prefer child-sized portions: Everything in moderation? When less means more

Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen


Image by Fortepan via Wikimedia Commons.

Americans love spicy food. Finally, my doctor said to cut (or minimize) basically every meal I love. Doctor’s orders: Smaller, less acidic portions.

“No wonder Americans can get so nasty,” I thought. “A lot of our food and drinks are chock full of acid.”

The doctor said I could have one cup of coffee (but no more). Alcohol, soda pop, and tea were also on the “bad” list, along with just about every spicy, fried, meaty meal I adore. So I shifted to soup, salads, and blander fare.

Within 40 days, I lost nearly 20 pounds eating “safe stuff.” Doctors don’t like too much weight loss (or too much of anything). “Everything in moderation,” they say, a little of this, a little of that. So we started experimenting…

How we stumbled onto the Kids Meal diet…

While traveling, my bride suggested we stop at McDonald’s, where she got a fish sandwich meal. I knew I couldn’t have my standard Big Mac (too much now), so I imagined trying Chicken McNuggets for the first time in decades…



Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.