The Last Great Idol: How a Whole Generation Became Mesmerized by Farrah Fawcett and Her Angelic Look

What would the perfect woman look like? 12 million taped her to walls, bowing in awe to our Farrah

Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen


A 1977 public domain publicity photo of Farrah Fawcett from ABC’s “Charlie’s Angels” via Wikimedia Commons.

Our grandfathers taped “pinups” to their World War II lockers — but no one (before or since) idolized a woman the way we adored Farrah Fawcett.

“God gave women intuition and femininity,” Fawcett explained. “Used properly, the combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I’ve ever met.”

How the most important poster in history “went viral”

With more than 12 million copies sold, the famous “Farrah poster” is the undisputed best-selling poster in history.

Ted Trikilis of Ohio-based Pro Arts Inc. saw the “market demand” after learning college boys were so struck by Farrah’s “look” that they were buying women’s beauty magazines for her shampoo ads. Boys then tore out the Farrah ads and tacked them to the walls of their dorm rooms.

The “Farrah fixation” actually went back to her childhood when she won “most beautiful” votes during every single year of high school and again as a freshman at the University of Texas (a rarity for a new student).



Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.