The Last Time Elvis Sang for His Fans

Can we now finally love the suffering Elvis? For years, we stared at his fun self — looking away from ‘fat Elvis’

Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen


Above: The U.S. Postal Service in 1992 asked the American people to pick “which Elvis is king,” and 1.2 million voted, with 75 percent preferring “young Elvis” to the pained man he became. The new 2022 Elvis film shows the whole Elvis, including some broken moments, revealing a final live performance showing he was just as talented — or more — at the end as he was in his youth. USPS public image.

For decades, no one wanted to watch this video — we feared the pain — but suddenly, we see the last time Elvis Presley sang for fans, weeping tears of joy.

Even one of the DJs on the 18-year-old Sirius XM Elvis Radio — which plays his music 24/7 — admitted he couldn’t watch this video until after the new Elvis film showed us a new way to appreciate the ill Elvis.

This footage is the new film’s most enduring gift. Instead of glossing over or ignoring Presley’s unhealthiest moments (images we’d like to forget), they close with the final song of his last live performance.

We can now see clearly how incredibly talented and gifted he remained — even when he was a shattered man inside and out.

His forgotten final song shows that even a beaten-down Elvis was still amazing

The most hopeful message is that even when you seem to have hit bottom, your inner gifts (the person you were born to be) remain inside.

Elvis died at age 42, but many thought he looked more like 60 at the end, obese, overcome by…



Joseph Serwach
The Partnered Pen

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.