The Two Most Important Medium Stats for Understanding Earnings

One of these stats is slightly hidden in your Medium stats page

Gillian May
The Partnered Pen


Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

If you’ve been on Medium a long time, you’ll know that the writers here have cyber-relationships via Facebook groups and writer groups outside of the forum. These groups have pros and cons, but mostly they’re quite supportive and informative.

One of the main topics of discussion amongst writers is “where do our earnings come from?” And although we still haven’t solved this mystery despite much discussion, I wanted to share two statistics that may point us in the right direction. The first one (and the most important one IMO) is daily member reading time.

Make sure you don’t confuse this with the number of reads. For example, even though you may have 1.2K reads for a given story, it depends on how many seconds or minutes a person actually spends on your story. If they spent only a few seconds, then the actual read won’t give you a good payout.

Finding your daily read time is actually a bit hidden in Medium. To find your daily member reading time, you would go to the stats page for an individual story and go to the third graph below. It looks like this:



Gillian May
The Partnered Pen

I educate about alcohol addiction, health issues, trauma, and psychedelics. Book a 45-min video call with me: