The U. S. has Daddy Issues

And our daddies keep letting us down!

Remington Write
The Partnered Pen
Published in
5 min readNov 30, 2020


Photo Credit — ambermb / FreeIMG

This was written in response to our last presidential election and — spoiler alert! — nothing has changed except now we’re back to bombing other countries. Our national passtime. Updated 4 July, 2021.

Welp, I guess it’s “good” news that the U.S. electorate barely managed to elect a grown-up to, ahem, Lead the Free World.

That the election was such a squeaker speaks to our fixation on having Daddy fix things for us. Daddy Don talked such a good game that vast swaths of the country plopped ugly red hats on their heads and swooned for the return of decent-paying jobs, white people in charge, and ladies back in the kitchens. Daddy Joe sadly shook his head at this childishness and stressed unity and civility (and through all of this more people continue to get infected, hospitalized, and/or die of the virus Daddy Don says is going to simply disappear any day now).

This country has gotten so used to having one white man running the show that we’re trapped in a cycle of seeking good daddies and electing bad ones. And after each election, half the country lines up for Daddy to pat them on the head and deliver the goods while the other half howls that this is not their real daddy!

