This Is What You Can Do To Be Happier

The 4 hormones that influence your mood and how to boost them naturally

Edith Tollschein
The Partnered Pen


We all have those days when we don’t feel like doing anything. The alarm goes off in the morning, but getting out of bed is a struggle. You have your coffee, but you still feel you want to crawl back under your duvet and put a do-not-disturb sign on your door. Only that if you do that, your boss might fire you. Your kid might end up not going to school. Your clients will run to your competition. In short, life doesn’t stop for you to get yourself together.

Our ability to keep going despite the daily life challenges that we all face lies in our feeling of well-being — a.k.a. our moods.

Research shows that our hormones and neurotransmitters influence our mood. Meaning that our happiness is moderated by our hormones and neurotransmitters.

The good news is that, if you do not have any underlying mental health issues that affect your mood, and you are not going through stressful life events like job loss, serious health issues, divorce, death of a loved one, etc. then a simple boost in these hormones will change your mood for the better and put you in a position to save the day.

The four main hormones that influence our happiness:

