Time For Sleep Little One

Reuben Salsa
The Partnered Pen


Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

Exhausted, battered
and worn. Night time is sleep time,

It’s exhausting being a parent. We all know that. They may be G-d’s little gift but there are some days you just need a little quiet time.

I’ve always envied people who had good little darlings. The type of child that sat quietly occupying themselves. We have friends whose children are the perfect image of serenity. All buddhaesque poses and one-line utterances. Life for them is an oasis of calm.

Then there’s our pair. Together they’re dynamite. A duo of tussled hair and scraped knees. A likely pair of tree climbing ninjas that shriek when they attack and launch physical warfare on the uninitiated.

Our noisy, boisterous twosome that can’t be calmed. The frightful combination who fidget and tease with a relentless ease. The tag team that invent new ways to torture each other with each weapon adding to the one-upmanship faster than a cold war escalation.

Eventually, Bedtime is announced and new walls are erected to be bounced off.

Teeth cleaned. Stories read. Another toilet visit. Another book. One last bite to eat. Time for another book. A shift to another bed. A shift back their own. More…

