Want to Write Better? Then Write Faster

Mason Sabre
The Partnered Pen
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2020


Photograph by 4masik at Depsoitphotos

There are some writers out there who just seem to churn word after word out. They can sit down and, in an hour, have produced 3,000 words. And it’s hard for those who struggle to even get 300 words in that time, let alone 3,000 words. I get it. I used to be like that. Trying to get down every perfect word. Trying to make myself sound coherent. I’d edit, and tweak; I’d go back and re-read. I’d immerse myself in my piece until it got to the point where anything I wrote, sounded terrible.

But then I learnt to writer fast, and it was like taking off the shackles.

How to Write Fast

You must vomit on the page

I call my first draft my vomit draft. Why? Because that is what I do. I vomit everything out of my head onto the page, and just like when I vomit for real, I won’t stop until it is all out and all I’m doing is spitting out the last few words.

The vomit draft is sometimes known as freewriting.

What is freewriting?



Mason Sabre
The Partnered Pen

Mason is an author and a teacher. He loves to write and read and will always be a life-long learner. https://www.patreon.com/masonsabre