What 9 Famous Writers Say About Celebrating The New Year

Man oh man, trust writers to give the gift of words.

Linda Caroll
The Partnered Pen


Neil Gaiman photo from Wikipedia

New Years can be a contentious thing, don’t you think?

On one side, there’s the people who approach the New Year full of hope and resolutions. On the other side, people who grumble that it’s just another day and you’re going to break all those resolutions anyway.

Even though I don’t much like riding the grumpy train, they’re not wrong. Most people who make New Year resolutions do break them.

But still.

Color me optimistic, but there’s something about the calendar changing to a whole new year that feels hopeful, somehow.

But how to put that into words?

So I went poking around looking for something just a little magical. Words to inspire without being trite. Writers to the rescue.

From their lips to your heart. Enjoy!

1. Mark Twain, on resolutions…

“Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.” — Mark Twain (source)

