When You’re Suffering Because You Only See Yourself Through Others’ Eyes

The best way to make peace with yourself is to make sure you’re wearing your own glasses

Dawn Bevier
The Partnered Pen


Image by Elijah O’Donnell on Pexels

I went to the eye doctor today and had my vision checked. Unfortunately, it’s been getting blurry, thanks to Father Time. But like I always do, I waited until the problem got bad to try and fix it.

You’ve probably gotten one of these exams in your lifetime, so you know the routine.

Which is clearer? One or two?

Read the letters on the third line.

Better or worse?

How about this? Crisper? Sharper?

I was amazed at how clear things became with the switch of a lens.

And then I started thinking about life. How we go through it with blurry vision.

Everyone tells us what to see — parents, friends, lovers, and even strangers. They want us to look through their lenses and make sense of the world.

And we try. Boy, do we try.

Maybe we do it to blame our failures on someone else if we screw up. Maybe we do it because we need validation. Maybe we do it because we’re just so lost, we don’t know what else to do.

