Why Did Jesus Pick Such Losers to be his Disciples?

The disciples seemed fine at first, until their true personalities emerged.

Bebe Nicholson
The Partnered Pen


Jesus washing the feet of his disciples in the The Passion Play. Photo by author

Coming face to face with my own inadequacy happens a lot. I can name numerous instances when I’ve fallen short of the mark, although I don’t like to dwell on them.

Several of those instances occurred after my mother developed dementia and came to live with me. I remember one exasperating night when she refused to get out of her recliner and go to bed. Instead of cajoling her gently like I usually did, I got mad, left her in the recliner, and stormed off to bed. She slumped to the floor, where she slept all night.

Never in a million years would I have believed, prior to moving her in with me, that I would leave my mother to sleep on the floor all night. But I did, although I tiptoed over later and draped a blanket over her.

This was only one of many instances when I was impatient and upset but should have been kind and slow to anger. You can’t argue with someone who has dementia, and I knew this.

I’ve let friends and other people down, too. I’ve been critical when I should have been understanding, succumbed to gossip instead of speaking words of support, acted selfishly, lost my temper, and placed my own comfort and desires first…



Bebe Nicholson
The Partnered Pen

Writer, editor, publisher, journalist, author, columnist, believer in enjoying my journey and helping other people enjoy theirs. bknicholson@att.net