Why Is My Following Feed Full Of People I Don’t Follow?

Plus, what’s up with the goldfish? (and other valid questions)

Linda Caroll
The Partnered Pen


photo of woman watching goldfish, licensed from deposit photos

Erm… Medium? Are you broken?

I went to my following feed and didn’t recognize a single face. So I right clicked and opened most of them in a new tab.

And nope. I don’t follow any of them.

So why are they in my following feed?

I mean, I swear I saw Tony comment on that post of Jessica’s to say they fixed the following feed to make it a “true” following feed, but showing me people I don’t even follow doesn’t really feel very “true” if you know what I’m saying here.

And where are the people who should be in my following feed?

Where’s James Finn? Where’s Kristi Keller? Where’s Jessica and Jessica and Amy and Kathy and Jen and Henya and all the people I *do* follow? Because they aren’t there.

Maybe if I write about it, it will magically be fixed so I look like the dumb arse? But that’s okay. I don’t mind, as long as you fix it.


What’s with all the goldfish?

Here, I’ll explain, in case you don’t see their pretty little golden fins flashing by all your stories.

