Why the Big Publications Reject Your Work

5 Reasons that justify their rejections.

Darshak Rana
The Partnered Pen


After spending a lot of time writing and editing your stories a zillion times, you finally hit the icon - “Add to publication.”

Red-cheeked, you blush mentally, feeling that the draft is the perfect one. You feel ecstatic. Brimming with exuberance and zeal, you pat yourselves, “I know it, this is a superb story; flawless and impeccable. My best story to date”.

You overflow with confidence that you’ve minimized all the possible sources of errors. You sleep like a baby. Carefree and stress-free.

But the next day (or after some weeks), the bomb drops!

You get a private message from the editor of the publication:

Hey XXX,

Thank you very much for submitting a beautiful story. We’re going to pass on this time. But we really appreciate the chance we’ve got in reading your story, and we hope you will keep sending us more stories in the future..”

You feel devastated. You had check-marked all the boxes that satisfy the publication's criteria, yet it didn’t see the light of the day. Sometimes you feel like the end of the world as you had not expected that rejection.



Darshak Rana
The Partnered Pen

Engineer turned writer with 30M+ views online✦ Published in Business Insider and Reader's Digest✦ Grab your FREE Mental Reset Kit : https://shorturl.at/muJV7