Why the Forties Are the Hardest Time for Women

I’m forty-nine and struggling, but something tells me I’m not alone.

Dawn Bevier
The Partnered Pen


Image by Alta Oosthuizen on Adobe Stock.com

There are growing pains at every age. However, the pain seems multiplied when a woman reaches her late thirties or forties.

For example, my forties have been the most challenging years of my life.

I’m a mother of two teens, a teacher, and a happily married wife of twenty-two years.

However, in four months, I’ll hit the big 5–0, and never in my life have I been more full of emotional turmoil.

And I think one of the main reasons other women and I struggle at this age is it feels like time is making the choices for us.

Here’s what I mean.

The pain of watching your beauty wilt away

When you’re in your forties, the hundreds of dollars you spend on skincare works, but only up to a point. There begin to be faint etchings of fine lines that warn you the wrinkle brigade is coming (and not planning on leaving — ever). However, time’s damage is still not glaringly evident at this age, so there’s still enough spunk in you to think you can stop the clock.

But you can’t. And it pisses me off.

