Why Tim Denning Got Scammed On His Website Design. Twice.

He thinks he knows why he got scammed but he’s wrong.

Linda Caroll
The Partnered Pen


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Tim Denning wrote a post saying he got scammed on his website design.


He thinks it’s because he’s a sucker.

But that’s not why he got scammed.

I know, because I’ve spent 26 years cleaning up the crap created by people who “think” they’re designers because they know a platform.

When I built my first site in 1995, Microsoft Frontpage was my Achille’s Heel. People would take some stupid course in Frontpage and hang out a designer’s shingle. Because yay, they’re “certified.” Sigh.

Then people like me had to clean up the sh*t they created.

Now it’s Wordpress, Squarespace and Wix.

The internet is full of Basement Bobs, Webmistresses and Tech Bros who think knowing how to use a platform makes them a designer. lol. No.

Knowing how to cut meat with a knife doesn’t make you a surgeon.

Usually, the site sits there like a dead fish.
Doesn’t convert and it doesn’t get traffic.

And that’s if they even finish it.

