Why We Need to Cancel ‘Cancel Culture’

HS Burney
The Partnered Pen
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2020


Photo by Shaun Salmon on Unsplash

These days, everyone has an opinion.

And social media and our culture of openness and sharing make it all too easy to express it.

What happens when you struggle to express a nuanced thought with grace?

And because you struggle with this, you go around inadvertently offending people.

A good friend of mine is afflicted with this malady. Recently, they got themselves in hot water during a discussion on refugees.

A group of us were talking about how Canada has taken in many refugees in the last few years from Syria and other war-torn places.

We see them in our communities, walking down the street, usually easy to identify in their traditional attires, covered heads (for the women), distinct language, and larger than normal families.

My friend isn’t necessarily against our refugee policy. He just feels that we need to take a more thoughtful approach to where we relocate these refugees. He takes issue with the fact that refugees are planted in already populous communities that are rife with economic migrants, such as Vancouver and Toronto. He feels that refugees should be…



HS Burney
The Partnered Pen

Currently writing about whatever strikes my fancy whenever