Why You Need to Write a “Done” List

You’ll find satisfaction beyond New Year’s resolutions and “to-do” lists

Michelle Marie Warner
The Partnered Pen


Photo by DraCat on Pixabay

Many of us make New Year’s resolutions.

We set out to accomplish certain things, change a behavior, or take a particular action. Some of us write what we did the year before. We reflect on events and experiences, feelings, and goals we accomplished. It’s our “done” list for the year.

We’re embarking on a fresh, new year, so we tend to reflect on our plans during this time. We write “to do” lists, not just for the day, but the whole year.

Even with our best intentions, we usually don’t follow through with most of them. Sometimes our expectations are too high. Other times, we aren’t ready to make the change. New year’s resolutions can set us up for failure. We often set goals that are too broad and long- term, like “get fit,” for example.

I like to set daily intentions instead.

I intend to do at least one daily yoga session with my current favorite instructor, Adriene. It’s a tangible, realistic goal that I almost always accomplish. She has free classes on YouTube, where you can focus on one pose at a time. Yoga is about breathing into each moment.



Michelle Marie Warner
The Partnered Pen

Writer of all things personal, socially conscious, sensitive AF, single LGBTQIA+ mom. Ready to bite off more than I've been chewing. michellewarner718@gmail.com