Would Jesus Condemn a Woman for Wearing Shorts?

The latest absurdity doesn’t reflect what Jesus taught.

Bebe Nicholson
The Partnered Pen


When my sister-in-law texted me about a North Carolina preacher’s Sunday sermon, I groaned. The minister’s words were one more absurdity in a long list that reflects badly on the church.

Get ready to be upset, because the preacher’s pronouncement is infuriating.

Reverend Bobby Leonard of Bible Baptist Tabernacle Church in Monroe, North Carolina, declared that if he were serving on the jury for a rape trial, he would vote to acquit a male rapist if his female victim was wearing shorts.

You heard that right. He’s let a rapist go free because the woman was wearing shorts!

“If you dress like that and you get raped, and I’m a man on that jury, he’s gonna go free.” Then the reverend added, “I’m right, you know, because a man’s a man.”

Unfortunately for Reverend Leonard, somebody in church recorded the sermon and uploaded parts of it to X (formerly Twitter), where it went viral. The church community was appropriately outraged, and the minister issued a very public apology.



Bebe Nicholson
The Partnered Pen

Writer, editor, publisher, journalist, author, columnist, believer in enjoying my journey and helping other people enjoy theirs. bknicholson@att.net