You Are Unique So Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Move closer to yourself, not further.

Karen karen
The Partnered Pen


Photo by Joel Bengs on Unsplash

Comparing yourself to others only causes stress and damages your self-esteem.

Most often, it moves you away from who you really are.

The unique and beautiful person that you are.

No one wins at the comparison game. You look at other people’s clothes, car, house, job, money, or even small things like their hairstyle. And then you feel bad about yourself.

Why would you do that?

Seriously. Why?

Where do you fit in?

Some people compare themselves to movie stars or famous singers and have an unhealthy mix of admiration and jealousy.

I wish I were like that. Why can’t I have all those things?

Of course, you forget that those celebrities are putting on a show. It’s not real life. Yet, your feelings of inadequacy are real. And your self-esteem plummets.

The opposite also happens when you compare yourself to others that have less than you.

Do you secretly feel good that you’re above them? Are you relieved that you’re not in the same place they are?



Karen karen
The Partnered Pen

Writer. Avid Traveler. Translator. Be yourself. Own your future. What’s your feeling today?