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Your Anxiety Is Lying To You

Know when to spot the lies.

Katy Velvet
The Partnered Pen
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2019


Living with anxiety is not easy. In fact, as someone who’s been living with ADHD all her life — I understand that anxiety can creep up on you when you least expect it.

It’s one thing to get bogged down with negative thinking once in a while. However, it’s another to view the world as a threatening and dangerous place.

Anxiety can steal your peace and comfort. It can follow you to work and it can haunt you in your sleep. But there are things that can help you beat anxiety and the lies it tells you.

Here are some common lies anxiety tells us:

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Lie #1: People don’t like me.

When it comes to relationships, we always tend to assume what others are feeling about us.

“She’s mad at me.”
“He’s not interested in me anymore.”
“They’re going to fire me!”

But the truth is, it’s all in our heads. We make up scenarios. We make assumptions without having evidence to support our negative thoughts. We worry and stress that…



Katy Velvet
The Partnered Pen

Freelance writer with a lifetime of stories about mental health, gender inequality and an incurable obsession with cats.