You’re Not Lazy — Self-Isolation is Utterly Exhausting

I’m the perfect case study for why self-isolation based on societal demand makes all the difference between thriving vs. surviving.

Gillian Sisley
The Partnered Pen


After voluntarily entering self-isolation three days ago, I’ve come to a startling discovery.

Working from home, barely seeing people, meetings over Skype and phone, very little human contact… I have been voluntarily self-isolating for the better part of three years of my life.

I’m an introvert who runs her own businesses from home, and I really thrive on working alone and not having a lot of human interaction throughout my workday.

And up until now, I’ve been exceptionally content with that arrangement, each day for the last several years.

Since the coronavirus outbreak, and Canada going into voluntary self-isolation as a country, the only real change is that my husband is now also working from home. He’s in his basement office, I’m on the top floor in my everyday office. We occasionally cross paths in the kitchen during a workday.

What I’m trying to say is that outwardly and logistically my life has…



Gillian Sisley
The Partnered Pen

Professional Storyteller working at Meta ♾️ Tea drinker. Insatiably curious. Writing about relationships, adventure & embracing vulnerability as a superpower ✨