A Beginning

We all are born as masterpieces.

Shridutt Gaitonde
The Passion People Project
2 min readDec 16, 2016


We all are born as masterpieces. Unfortunately most of us die oblivious of the very fact that we are unique. This uniqueness I am harping upon fundamentally may drive the purpose of our inertly soulful existence. And this very fact has always rattled me about people and the society in particular. I have come across people living a double layered life where what they portray themselves to the exterior is different from what they hide and suppress a wonderful inside. Inspired by an artist who gave up her corporate job for painting I decided to push myself into finding extra-ordinariness dwelling inside individuals who seem ordinary. People who are gifted and have opened their packages for the world to see. I wanted to embark on this mission to find amazing stories and tell them to the world in the midst of that hope it will inspire others.Unfortunately my small attempt of a grandeur vision could not really tick and take off as I felt I could not think about how I would do it and people I spoke to lauded me honestly but half baked. I guess the best aspect about life is finding people who share the same thoughts, feelings or vision as you do and then there is no looking back. I happened to come across The Passion People Project started by Naga Subramanya B B who’s initiative is a replica of what I was seemingly foreseeing for a long time. And as I approached him, my dreams not only gathered shape but also that required necessary fueling impetus.

As we brainstormed into our first meet about exchanging ideas and notes to help the project take off, I realized a part of my purposeful existence is fulfilled. As I am about to embark on my maiden interview, we are about to discover people, stories and passions hidden in the world of everyday mundane life.

