Episode 16 — The Thespian

“In this line of work, you really need to be thick-skinned.”

Naga Subramanya B B
The Passion People Project
3 min readJul 29, 2017


When a friend was telling me about Debby, the first thing I had asked here was whether should could speak well. Maybe because I still had the impression that models or actors are just pretty faces or that I was naive or it could also be because I wanted speakers who were articulate.

Needless to say, when I met Debby I quickly realized that she was one of THE people I ought to interview and was extremely pleased.

Debby was the regular happy-go-lucky Bengali Girl who had lived most of her life in Kolkata. She took her parents’ advice seriously and never put up a fight when they asked her to pursue something that she wasn’t keen on.

“I liked math, I wanted to do maths honors, but I did not even fight for it. I just went with whatever I was told and 3 years into engineering I realized that this isn’t my cup of tea!”

She describes herself as someone lacking a lot of drive back in the day, but I prefer to look at her being laid-back or having a more relaxed temperament. (Trust me, you will feel that she is anything but lacking drive when you hear her speak in the podcast.)

We delved into how she got into modelling in the first place, her journey to becoming Miss Hyderabad Second Runner-Up and the rollercoaster that has been her life ever since that fateful day a few years ago.

All of the stuff that she speaks of, to succeed as a performed in the industry also applies verbatim to life in general, some of them being —

  1. Short or Feature Films that do not pan out due to change of priority or lack of resources so actors quickly learn to keep their expectations low.
  2. People all around would be trying to put you down, be it the people at a modelling contest who think you are not tall enough or people who do not see your dream.
  3. A job gave Debby the steady stream of income which meant that she could explore her passions and feed her creativity without being bogged down about resources.
  4. Everything that we do, needs us to give up something else or operate at a level above many others. Effort and sacrifice are essential parts of success.

2 months back when I spoke to her, she said wants to get into feature films and now she is already doing it, she has 2 film offers on hand! :)

There were many other wonderful points that Debby goes on to make, to know them all, I encourage you to tune in below!

To know more, do check out the rest of our interview on AudioBoom, iTunes Podcast, TuneIn and Stitcher! :)

Get in touch here:-

Debarati(Debby) Das

Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/dasdebarati

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/debby.chs

e-Mail — debarati0502@yahoo.in

Podcast Curator — Naga Subramanya

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/naaga


e-Mail — naagasubramanya@gmail.com

Podcast Information:-

Interview by: Naga Subramanya B B

Recorded on: Rode SmartLav+

Recorded using: ASR Recorder for Android

Jingle Credits: Ivan Chew, Edited by Naga Subramanya

Recorded at: Noc Noc Bistro, Hyderabad, India

Photo Edited on: Canva

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