S02E01 — The Emissary

Books as a leading force for change.

Naga Subramanya B B
The Passion People Project
3 min readAug 26, 2018


As I edit the episode, a smile spreads on my face just because of the sheer number of times that we laughed or smiled while recording this episode.

“My greatest fear was whether I could sustain myself, at least have enough financially for things like food and shelter. You know, the basics. When I computed the amount and how low it was, it made me feel really good.”

Always days of self doubt where I think whether I am crazy for doing what I am doing and my support system is always there to tell me that I am not crazy.

Non profit to profit — everything is inter-related, you should constantly connect the dots. Grandfather did social work, college and volunteer for NGOs and now I am doing all that I am doing. Did i know that all of this would lead up to this?

Thoughts on overthinking — The inhibitions that come with overthinking is tremendous. Sometimes, we just need to figure out a way to move forward with whatever decision we have made. Inaction is still a decision, one not to do anything. It is important for us to make sure that we move forward on a regular basis to prevent stagnation.

What move forward may mean can be interpreted based on your specific context, but sticking to what one has decided and taking steps to make things materialize goes a long way.

“If I had any idea that my life after the move (from corporate to non profit) was like this, I would have made the move a lot sooner.” — Ruchi

Book Recommendations —

How to be a Bawse — Lilly Singh — https://amzn.to/2w0eOod

The Little Prince — https://amzn.to/2MIPVo8

Episode Layout -

1:00 - 1:54 — Podcast and Ruchi Introduction.

2:00 — 2:21 — Introduction to LOAB and her influences growing up.

2:22–5:40 Early brushes with social work. Connecting past to present. Calcutta environment of reading influence — Books can influence a child’s belief system from an early age, Ruchi wants to be part of a movement that shapes that.

5:41–8:55 Winding back — formative years.

9:30–13:30 Transforming schools and how progress is measured.

14:00–21:28 Connecting the dots and the importance of flexibility.

22:00–25:00 — Asking for help and thoughts on making a career transition.

25:52–29:30 — Answers to standard questions and book recommendations!

Practical advice, her inspiration, people who have made the transition, self doubt and overcoming obstacles with a strong support system.

To know more, do check out the rest of our interview on AudioBoom, iTunes Podcast, TuneIn and Stitcher! :)

Get in touch here :-

Let’s Open a Book / Ruchi Dhona

email — teamloab@gmail.com

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/letsopenabook/

Podcast Curator — Naga Subramanya

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/naaga


e-Mail — naagasubramanya@gmail.com

Podcast Information:-

Interview by: Naga Subramanya B B

Recorded on: Rode SmartLav+

Recorded using: ASR Recorder for Android

Jingle Credits: Shankar from Writer and Geek, Edited by Naga Subramanya

Recorded at: New Delhi

Photo Edited on: Canva

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