
The Emotion of Light

Nandor Tamas
The Passionate Designer


I’m a little obsessed with it. Ok, a lot obsessed with it, and I’m now thinking a little envious of it. Why is it that light has so many beautiful ways to express itself. It’s the emotion of light that makes a dark room — happy again. It’s the brilliance of light that makes a warm vacation in Dubai, a memorable one. It’s the sexy dimming of a light, that helps set composure and disables personal guard in a room filled with social tension. It’s light that offers a person on a stage, their moment of glory. Light commands the audience’s attention, unselfishly giving it to you, while holding you, and the audience — there in that moment. It’s simply fantastic that light can be so silent, yet have the loudest voice in the world. It’s light that keeps us alert — it keeps us alive. In design, light should be used for those very same reasons — to infuse emotion and memorable moments, and essentially keep your work, alive.

Light should always be treated as a remarkable element of design. How can a designer not appreciate the gorgeous shadows they cast and dance, how it delivers shimmer with such confidence and relevance to a montage of designs, how it can render so simply and brilliantly to help flash a memory and touch someone so deeply. The pliability of light and how it can be used is limitless, almost never repeating in anything you may use it in. From blowing light through a logo’s arm, to pulling a glow in from behind that will cast your oh-so-special silhouette, we must embrace the elements that light has to offer, push the limits with what it can do, and deliver a gorgeous work of art that deserves center stage.

Cue spotlight.



Nandor Tamas
The Passionate Designer

Creative Director / Strategist / Visual Storyteller / Owner Stung Media LLC