How Much I Made in My First Month of Freelance Writing

My first ever freelance writing income.

Abhi Thakur
The Passive Writer
1 min readMar 13, 2022


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

I always thought of making money from freelancing when I first heard about it, but never had the courage to step forward and interact with people.

For the last two years, I was thinking of working as a freelance writer but I never made it to even create my account on these platforms. But finally, it happened this year.

At the beginning of 2022, I made a pledge to myself that I’ll make money by writing for clients. So I joined Upwork and Freelancer to find a bunch of them and started my freelance journey.

In February, I got my first client on Upwork. He hired me for his long-term project which required writing articles on smart home equipment.

I have completed my first month working with my client and made $149. Since Upwork charges 20% (that is ridiculously high), I got only $119.2.

The amount isn’t impressive, I know, but it’s just a beginning. If things work out well, I may cross the $500 mark soon.

I’ll keep posting my freelance income every month so new freelancers can get motivated.

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