An Analysis on Judgement | Nevis Veli

Yenlik O'Neill
The Past and Future of AUBG Seniors
3 min readDec 4, 2019
Photo of Nevis Veli, taken by Yenlik O’Neill

After closing the door of her room in a dormitory, she looks at her watch and starts rapidly walking towards the end of the corridor. Within the next few seconds, she approaches a common area with green couches and a coffee table in the middle. She sits down on one of the couches, takes a deep breath and introduces herself with a smile on her face.

Nevis Veli is a fourth-year student at the American University in Bulgaria (AUBG). She left the capital of Albania, Tirana , in Fall 2015 and came to AUBG to pursue Economics and Business.

For her, this fall semester is the time of graduation. One month from now, she will be back in Albania exploring the professional world and getting some real-life experience.

Nevis wants to break the educational cycle for a couple of years and try herself working in the field. In her opinion, in order to pursue a successful career, one needs to have some practical skills as well as fundamental knowledge.

When asked what’s her attitude towards earning a Master’s degree, Nevis says without any hesitation: “I want to do Master’s because I feel that I’m not done with my education. Not that the education that AUBG has given me is not valuable, I just think that I will need more practical skills before doing my Master’s.”

For now, Nevis is not sure where she would like to continue her education. “I’ve invested in myself for all these years to go somewhere abroad and be able to make a life for myself, personally and professionally there. I could see myself in some Western capital, hustling,” says Nevis in a joking manner. “Of course it’s scary and difficult, especially for a foreigner. But I think I owe myself this challenge”

Throughout her studies at university, Nevis says that she has been through many challenges and yet there are various things that she enjoyed the most. One of them is the management class that she has taken recently. She finds it interesting to analyze people’s behavior and what motivates them so that this information could be used to achieve a common goal.

Having a predisposition to analytical thinking has helped Nevis not only with the courses related to her majors but also with the humanities and social sciences classes that she has taken at AUBG. “I am currently taking the American history and film class, where we analyze how the background and the context of a movie were made and how a message the movie is trying to convey is expressed through different artistic tools,” says Nevis with a sparkle in her eyes.

Analyzing various themes for university purposes has changed her attitude towards some aspects of daily life. For example, she says that whenever she is watching a film or reading a book she unconsciously starts analyzing every detail and later, checks out other people’s opinions with regards to it. Paying attention to every detail is one of the habits that Nevis has established throughout her studies at the university.

When being asked about Nevis’s personality traits one of her classmates and Nevis herself reply using the exact same words — hard-working, self-aware, and conscientious. “In the classroom, she does not show off her knowledge by commenting on every aspect. Instead, she just carefully listens to what other people say and sometime after expresses her opinion on the issue,” says Nevis’s classmate smiling.

Laughing at her past, Nevis says that as a freshman she was concerned with how people perceive her and if she was giving out the right image of herself. But now, as a graduating student, she says that one should have an open mind about not only experiences but other people as well.

“Try not to judge as much. You will see that the judgement that you feel from others will be released too. If you stop judging other people you no longer have this pressure of caring what others might think of you.”


Yenlik O’Neill is studying Journalism and Mass Communication at the American University in Bulgaria. She likes talking to people and learning useful life lessons from their stories.

