3 Ways to Make the Holiday Break More Meaningful

By Jorge Valenzuela

3 Ways to Make the Holiday Break More Meaningful: By Jorge Valenzuela

In This Article:

  • The importance of using our holiday break time for self-care, recharging and self-improvement.
  • Three ways to have a more meaningful holiday break.

Finding harmony between our personal and professional selves is essential to our happiness and success. Unfortunately, the nonstop pace of being in career mode often depletes us, putting our personal needs on the back burner.

But behold, the holiday break presents the perfect opportunity for us to reset! It’s a chunk of time tailor-made for reflection and recalibration. This is our chance to chart a more intentional path.

Are you ready to turn this season into contentment and a more fulfilling life? Here are three invigorating steps we can take to add more meaning to the holidays.

Holiday Break Tip #1: Fill Your Cup

Prioritizing self-care isn’t selfish — it’s a necessity. Eleanor Brown, author and educator, once said, “You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” Yet, too often, we forget to replenish our wells of energy and joy.

Thankfully, the upcoming uninterrupted time away from work offers a precious window to nurture ourselves. It’s a chance to engage in activities that restore our inner peace and happiness.

Here are a few inspiring ideas to kickstart this journey toward self-rejuvenation:

  1. Do nothing. I do not recommend not doing anything for the entire holiday break, but a day or two to decompress may be what’s needed.
  2. Find your happy space. Engage in something you love to do (e.g., cooking, hiking, going to the movies, working out, making or listening to music, meditating, taking a dancing class, etc.). Doing what we love naturally makes us happier and is a good lifelong practice.
  3. Get healthier. Find and adapt new healthy recipes. Hit the gym and create an easy-to-follow routine.
  4. Read or listen to a good book. For busy folks like me, I recommend getting a membership with Audible. The first audiobook is free, and titles can be swapped out for others if you don’t want to keep them.
  5. Listen to podcasts. Podcasts are helpful because participation only requires listening — and are perfect when on the go (i.e., traveling, the gym, etc.).

Holiday Break Tip #2: Invest in Your Relationships

Writer Dave Willis said, “Time is the currency of relationships. If you want to invest into your relationships, start with investing your time.”

Many of us have those cherished friends or family members we’ve lost touch with since the last holiday season — or maybe even longer. Our busy lives often make it tough to reconnect. Distance, time, and the whirlwind of life may have added layers of complexity to these connections. It’s also possible for new friends to become closer companions or strained relationships to become once more.

Raising two young adults and losing my stepfather, I’ve come to learn the significance of relationships in my life. Nurturing my connections to the important people in my life seems more important than I’d previously thought.

But prioritizing some relationships can be easier said than done. The holiday season provides an opportune moment to begin, but before diving headfirst into a flurry of calls and messages, I propose a moment of reflection. Ask yourself:

  • “Do I really want this person back in my life?”
  • “Will a relationship with this person add value or toxicity to my life?”
  • “What would I like to see as a result of inviting this person back into my life?”

If the person(s) passes the vetting questions, here are some ideas for making the first move:

  1. Call or write. No need to complicate this. Simply break the ice by stating something along the lines of “Hi there — been thinking about you and I would love to catch up — when are you free to get together?”
  2. Plan a meet-up. A fun holiday party, coffee date, meal, or happy hour plan is great for catching up with friends and family. These events can also ease integrating a new friend or partner into your social circle. Focus on having fun.
  3. Use social media. If actual Facetime or phone calls are difficult or simply not possible, our social media can be leveraged for socializing at a safe distance. You can start the interaction by wishing those you care about happy holidays or congratulating them on any new achievement.

Holiday Break Tip #3: Set a New Goal and Outline Steps to Accomplishing it

Entrepreneur Ed Mylett says, “You were put on earth to grow, to contribute, to serve, to help in YOUR WAY, and the current version of you is perfect as it stands right now. BUT it will be inferior next year!”

Since personal and professional growth is ALSO essential to our well-being—I recommend using the holiday season to plan and map out a new goal for the upcoming year. Life is simply too short not to do the thing(s) we want but have been putting off. It doesn’t have to be something too monumental—just make sure it’s something you want to accomplish. For me, it’s my fitness journey. Let your intuition guide this one.

Before diving in and investing your resources, consider these two vital factors that can aid in achieving the goal you’re plotting and planning:

  1. Learn from experts. It’s always best to learn from people who have already accomplished what you want to do
  2. Monitor your energy. It’s difficult always to keep the same level of enthusiasm — as our energy will always be either positive or negative. So when achieving goals seems overwhelming, find a way back to a positive state. Doing things we like and being around people who love us unconditionally is always a step in the right direction.

Last Word

Striving to live our best life involves nurturing a positive mindset and balancing our personal and professional orbits for our own self-improvement. Whether we’ve achieved that stability or are still on the journey, don’t worry. Leverage the holiday season as a reset button—a chance to maximize the value of this precious time.

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Jorge Valenzuela is the lead education coach at Lifelong Learning Defined. His work helps schools and educators solve their unique problems for personal and professional success.

You can connect with Jorge @JorgeDoesPBL via Twitter and Instagram to continue the conversation.



Jorge Valenzuela
The Path to Self-Improvement Through Lifelong Learning

Jorge Valenzuela is a well-regarded and nationally recognized performance and education coach, author, and speaker at Lifelong Learning Defined.