Conceptual map in team

Erik Torres
The Paths of Knowledge
2 min readOct 4, 2018

Syllogisms is a deductive and inductive reasoning with two propositions as premises and a conclusion. The process of going to the premises to the conclusion is know as inference

The structure of the syllogism is:

Major premise: here you found the major term which is the predicate

Minor premise: here you found the minor term which is the subject of the conclusion

Middle term: appear in both premises but never appears in the conclusion

Conclusion: here the term relates to one another to form the argument

Propositions are made of subject, copula and a predicate

Fallacies is an error in reasoning

There are several types of fallacies like hasty generalization or slippery slope

Hasty Generalization: an stereotype of something

Slippery Slope: is an exageration of events


The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica See Article History. (N/A). Syllogism. 2018, from Britannica web site:

(N/A). (5 June of 2018). John Corcoran (logician). 2018, from Wikipedia web site:

(N/A). (20 July 2018). Jan Łukasiewicz. 2018, de wikipedia Sitio web:

(N/A). (10 July 2018). Logic of class. 2018, de wikipedia Sitio web:

(N/A). (5 August 2018). Propositional calculus. 2018, de wikipedia Sitio web:

De La Campa S. (2018). The Paths of Knowledge. México : Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León.

Morales M . (2018). Logic and Knwoledge . 2/10/18, de Medium Sitio web:

