Logical Fallacies
Assignment #7
Attack to the person:
I believed that ken stole the money because he is black.
Popularity Fallacy:
Fitness women are the most attractive to mens.
False generalization:
All doctors have an ugly letter.
Appeal to principle:
Marco yesterday said by SMS that he losted his phone and everyone they were all calling him. (how marco was sending sms if his phone was losted).
Appeal to force:
You would be winning the game if you would not chose the other team. Now you are going to be the shadow of the team.
Appeal by feeling:
Please do not kill me I have children, I do not want to die…
By Ignorance:
I did not know that you could get a ticket for having a kid on the front seat of the car.
Appeal to authority:
The mayas said that today it would be the end of the world so it must be true.