
Manila — San francisco Philippine Airlines PR104 Flight Report


After an eventful day in Manila, I hopped on a grab taxi to go to the airport. Initially I was even thinking about visiting Okada or the Asian Mall first, since it’s still early for my flight. But I realized quickly on the taxi that given how slowly the taxi was moving, how heavily the rain was falling, and how wet my entire body was, I should just head straight to the terminal.

The ride from Downtown Manila to the airport took nearly 1hr and 30 mins. I even fell asleep multiple times during the ride, and woke up only to find that we had barely moved. Near Pasay City (the southern city where the airport sit), my driver suggested going on a newly built “sky-line” to avoid the traffic (which charged a small fee too). Apparently the government’s solution to horrible airport transportation was to give up the existing roads, build something on top of it, and charge extra money from passengers. But the traffic seemed to be equally bad— I could only imagine how much worse the “normal” route would be.

Finally arriving at the airport after 1:30 (with my body still soaked in water). a trip that fully manifests my travel style.




You may remember from the previous article that Manila airport was actually smooth and easy. Well actually — forget about it. The security lines are in absolute chaos, as if some kind of exodus was taking place. Dozens of bags were piled together at the X-ray machine, while neither the bags nor the their owners were barely moving. It seemed like a regional airport not capable of handling such level of traffic, but scramble to make it work somehow.

In front of me was someone holding a Philippines passport, while wearing a T-shirt with Korean slogan “Dokdo belongs to Korea!” on it. Could she be married to a Korean husband, or maybe she was a foreign domestic helper working there? I wondered. Filipino domestic worker has been common in Taiwan, but few people take efforts to understand their culture, their struggle and the overwhelming global inequality leading to a country having its people as its major exports. What kind of story may this person have?

Behind me, on the other hand, was a typical American tourist, presumably just finishing his vacation in Boracay, waiting impatiently in line. Perhaps he was taking the LA flight, which departs an hour early than my flight to San Francisco. Throughout my brief journey in the Philippines, I pondered numerous times about what would this country be like had it still been a US territory.

In the middle of the line another X-ray machine was suddenly turned on, and some people ran to the new line. It turned out to have 2 machines serving 1 line of people, while the original place only had 1 machine serving 2 lines of desperate passengers! It nearly took me an hour to go through security. This is even slightly worse than LAX.

我在上篇文章曾說馬尼拉機場不錯 — 現在我要收回這些言論,馬尼拉的出境安檢簡直是災難,彷彿一個大型難民營般,X光機上直接堆滿好幾十包行李,而不論行李或人都幾乎沒在移動。看來這個機場根本不是為如此人流而設計的,已經嚴重超載,工作人員則這裡一點、那裡一點地補救,讓他看起來像仍在運作的模樣。




Starbucks after security — famously having 10 different city mugs at the same time

Entering the Marhaba lounge — the one my friend Wiew recommended. Food was good — featuring the Avocado ice cream which I had 3 bowls (seems fitting now that Im going back to California). But it looks more like an average dining hall instead of a lounge, somewhere good for having a meal, but not so much for resting. The floor was not cleaned very often either. Shower was available in the lounge, which I did plan to use initially. Unfortunately security took much time, and my clothes gradually dried up by itself anyway. So I only changed my socks at the end.


MNL has flights to Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) which is rarely seen elsewhere. In addition to typical East Asian destinations, flights to the Middle East carried a huge flow of people going there as foreign labors, working in often inhumane conditions for their families back home. 3 weeks ago (also during this trip) I had the privilege to visit the Filipino Expat community in Doha, Qatar, so you may look forward to my trip report soon.


My friend Wiew who suggested the lounge.

I exchanged my remaining pesos back to dollars ($12) and walked to the gate. I took a cup of beer out from the lounge, planning to have it on the flight as a celebration to a successful ending of this trip. Unfortunately, another security check before the gate took it away. At the gate, American sports game was playing on a TV screen, a prelude to everyone’s journey to the US.

In fact, the Philippines did remind me of the US in many ways.



Another lounge that I could have used — why does it look more luxurious than the one I went to……Also I was hoping to buy postcards somewhere, but ultimately still failed

I was reminded yesterday via email that the in-flight entertainment may not be available. To my surprise, it’s actually working perfectly (well not quite, because my remote control was broken, but I’ll give it a pass).

Unlike yesterday’s half-full flight, this flight was nearly 100% full. If only they assigned one Filipina next to me…..(since there are so many beautiful women on street!)


I would never have expected Philippines Airlines to provide an in flight item bag for economy. This was way beyond expected — even Qatar Airways, the supposedly #1 airline, didn’t provide this. The bag, along with the seat and the blanket, were all in Philippine Airlines’ theme color: purple.


In flight menu — this was also beyond expectation. Only a handful of airlines (Turkish, JAL etc) provided this.

The downside was, they didn’t provide the bottle water like on yesterday’s flight, and this was when I needed the most though…..because I had too much sweet avocado ice cream at the lounge, but my beer was thrown away by security. When I asked for it, they only provided a cup.

航班上還提供餐點目錄 — 這也是超乎我預期,畢竟只有土航、日航等少數比較好的經濟艙會提供紙製菜單。可惜這次不像昨天剛起飛後就提供礦泉水,偏偏我因為啤酒被安檢沒收,剛剛又吃太多冰淇淋,正渴著,按燈也只要到一杯水。

Beef lasagna with dried mango. I also ordered a cup of Asahi beer (to compensate the one security took away from me) while watching the Japanese movie “Shylock’s Children.”


There were a huge collection of movies to choose from. But I was way too exhausted, so I spent the rest of the flight listening to Filipino songs and trying to sleep, with a little bit of success. I was way too tired to eat the breakfast (supposedly some sausages and eggs). This seems to be the trend ever since I obtained the priority pass (PP) lounge access thanks to Chase bank.


Landing at SFO

Even more surprisingly, there was barely a line in SFO, so it only took me 5 mins to pass immigration. This got to be my new record — at worse times it could easily took over one hour.


APEC had taken place by then. Xi had gone home.

I wondered around the airport and had some not-too-appealing American Chinese food for dinner. Taking the BART and Caltrain back at a chilly Bay Area night, hopefully one last time before I graduate, to Palo Alto.

索性在舊金山機場晃晃,吃了一家賣相非常不佳的美式中餐當晚餐,再搭火車回到Palo Alto — 希望這是我畢業前最後一次從機場歸來了。

