The Women Who Inspire Us

David Chung
The Paxful Blog
Published in
8 min readMar 20, 2020

The women of Paxful, in their own words.

Lana Schwartzman, Chief Compliance Officer

“My parents left everything and came to America from Odessa, Ukraine. They were in their 30s and I had turned 6 that year. We lived a pretty decent middle-class life there but left all of that behind to come here. When we arrived, we were living with relatives in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. I remember one morning my mother went outside and walked over to a deli. The sign read ‘hot coffee’ but in Russian, the letter ‘h’ makes an ’n’ sound so she thought it said ‘not coffee.’ She was shocked, thinking she had come to a country that doesn’t even have coffee.

My mother endured the struggle of leaving everything she knew, knowing very little of the language, all for the American dream. She wanted my sister and I to have a good education and live better lives. To see her work so hard and rise up the ranks to her current role is so inspiring to me. Knowing that always kept me going, kept my sister going. It’s what helped me get to where I am today. It helped shape the ethics and values of the woman that I am today.”

Ysabelle Katigbak, Creative Project Manager

“I genuinely love extending a helping hand whenever I can. It’s something I’ve felt my whole life and it’s the way I was raised. When I was young, I remember my dad would encounter children asking for food on his way to work. I began collecting cookies from my classmates or saved up bits of money to buy snacks and asked my dad to pass them out to the kids he would see every morning. I really love the fact that something I did made someone else feel great.

A woman who inspires me is my sister. I’ve looked up to her since I was young and she has always been the bridge that connects our entire family together. Growing up, I always struggled with depression and anxiety. Without my sister, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I always saw her as being strong and perfect but just two years ago, I found out that she had been hiding so many struggles of her own. She was always a bit careful with sharing about herself but she finally opened up to me. It was my first time seeing her so vulnerable and it made me see her as being so much stronger than I even knew before. She’s strong for all of us, even when we can’t be strong ourselves.”

Aline Maidla, Compliance & Fraud Analyst

“I really like to help others. My mom is the kind of person who always gives 100 percent of herself to anyone that needs it. I grew up with that and learned how to be like her, seeing how grateful people were when she did things for them. I’ve always been so proud of my mom. When I finished high school in Brazil, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. After graduation, our class hired an event company to throw a party for us. Their truck broke down on the way to the venue and they had nothing prepared for us but we decided to enjoy and make the best of it. When it started, they stopped one of the mothers who brought a camera because the contract we signed said we could not bring them in. All the photos were going to be taken by their own photographers and sold to us after. She was so frustrated she threw her camera into the fountain.

The moment I walked in, people already knew I was going to say something. I went up to make a speech and apologized to the parents since it was our responsibility to plan everything. Then, I said that because the event planning company didn’t fulfill their end of the contract, we shouldn’t be expected to fulfill ours either. The whole room was quiet and when I finished, I received a standing ovation. The principal proudly said that our school produces students like me, who stand up for their rights. In that moment, I turned to my dad and told him that I would become a lawyer.

Women in positions of leadership, that are leading other women to be more successful and better at what they do, inspire me. Olga, my team lead, is a great example of that kind of leadership. She inspires not only me but many of the women here. She’s in a position of helping and pushing us to take on greater roles that will also inspire others in the future. It’s about creating a ripple effect.”

Aleksandra Lazarcheva, Customer Feedback Analyst

“By nature, I’m a very creative person rather than an analytical one so I enjoy things like music, drawing, reading, or linguistics. That’s what makes me happy. Work offers me another perspective of myself. I analyze different scam patterns or the behavioral patterns of our users. My job helps me develop more skills and discover another side of myself.

There are so many women who inspire me. Some of them are my friends, some are my family, or even historical figures. One female leader that I admire is Mary Kay Ash. Before Paxful, I worked in sales and she was also in a similar position. Though it was nearly half a century ago, the things she spoke about are still applicable today. One message that stayed with me is that you should never give up on your principles and values. I feel like we have so many different choices to make every day and to make sure you make the right ones, you need to be honest with yourself. If you follow your values, making a choice just feels right. You can apply this in your personal, professional, or just about any aspect of your life. I love being a woman. I would never change anything about it.”

Aditi Sureka, Customer Experience Feedback Analyst

“I got my first professional degree in India after clearing my examination for the Company Secretaryship course. I still remember the day when the results came out. I was traveling on the bus to my office, anxious inside, thinking about the results. I kept checking the website and finally they were out. I immediately called my parents to let them know that my hard work paid off. I could barely speak and was literally crying tears of joy and so was my mother. We had a moment when we both were crying and wanted to hug each other. The realization of accomplishing one of my life goals and making my parents proud is still one of my happiest moments.

The person who inspires me the most is someone who I was a part of even before I was born. She is no celebrity or any famous personality but she is my creator, my mother. I may sound biased but she is a superhero and my forever friend. A day without talking to her is incomplete. She is an abundance of joy and positivity. She has always been with me in my good and bad times. I remember during my board exams I was very nervous, tensed, and full of fear. I needed someone beside me who could calm me and listen to me. My mother was with me. She was unwell and was suffering from fever but never failed to give me all the comforts that I needed. I am so grateful to her and if I become someone today, it’s because of her. I love her and I believe that I am a strong woman because I was raised by one.”

Kateryna Romanenchuk, Product Designer

“There are so many women that inspire me. The first group is the women who have found their own way. Whether they work in tech or any other industry, it’s the ones who are walking their own walks and are now leaders in their fields. It’s the women who are vocal in their respective industries and have spoken out about issues, such as equality. They inspire me so much.

Next is the women in my family. They’ve had normal lives, as normal as it can be. But they have been able to keep positive energy in their families and workplaces, even throughout the most difficult times and experiences. They are an inspiration to me.

Finally, younger women inspire me. They are free of the stereotypes that so many women are bound with. They’re confident because they can become anyone and be whoever they want to be. This is something I think some of us still have trouble with today but they don’t have the same struggles anymore. They may be young but they’re still so inspiring to me.”

Nicolle Ramirez, Financial Analyst

“I always feel a sense of fulfillment when I accomplish something. Though it may not seem like much, something I’ve been consistent with lately is going to the gym. I learned to discipline myself and even if I feel like giving up, I just persevere and go through with it. The same goes for work. My team and I sometimes face challenges but we’re always able to overcome those obstacles and meet all of our goals. It’s a great feeling.

My mom is my inspiration. She’s always optimistic, supportive of my dreams, and pushes me to work harder. It was really hard for her, moving to this country by herself when she was 18. She worked long hours just to get by and even while she was going through those difficult times, she never stopped believing in herself and persisted to get to where she is today. She went through a lot of struggles but never once gave up.”

Paxful is proud to honor and celebrate the remarkable stories of the women who have shaped and inspired us. Thank you for your passion, bravery, and sacrifice. Happy Women’s History Month to all.

