High School Democrats of Gwinnett County’s Response to the Impeachment of President Donald Trump

The Peachy Progressive
The Peachy Progressive
2 min readJan 8, 2020

The High School Democrats of Gwinnett County support the House’s impeachment of President Trump and believe Trump’s abuse of power warrants his removal from office.

President Donald J. Trump’s impeachment headlines the December 19, 2019 issue of The New York Times.

LAWRENCEVILLE, GA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4th — The High School Democrats of Gwinnett County (HSDAGW) believe that all elected officials should uphold the values of the United States and that pure partisanship should not trump Constitutional values. President Donald J. Trump’s actions violated the Constitution, and we therefore stand by the charges of his impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors. The United States House of Representatives charged the President with abuse of power for pressuring a foreign leader (the newly elected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky) to investigate into a political opponent and for obstruction of Congress in failing to cooperate with House investigations. Both charges passed the House, making President Trump the third U.S. President to ever be impeached. The articles of impeachment will now be passed to the Senate for trial, which will either vote to convict and remove the President from office or acquit him. If the Senate fails to remove President Trump from office, it would show complacency towards the misuse of authority vested in the President through the Constitution.

“We urge Georgia’s two Republican senators, both of whom are up for re-election in 2020, to act as impartial jurors in the upcoming Senate trial and consider all the facts before making a partisan judgement.” HSDAGW Co-Chair Juan-Pablo Armes said in a statement.

“The House’s vote to utilize their constitutional power to impeach President Trump in December was a significant event in the impeachment process; however, it is now the Senate’s responsibility to acknowledge the president’s attempt to gain information on a political opponent for his own personal benefit and rightfully convict him.” HSDAGW Programs Director Destiny Ekwueme said in a statement.

The High School Democrats of Gwinnett County stand by the charges passed by the United States House of Representatives. We urge the United States Senate to be impartial jurors and remove President Trump from office. It is imperative that President Trump is properly punished and prevented from interfering with the 2020 elections. Furthermore, we believe that no elected official should be allowed to violate his or her oath to the Constitution and should instead uphold the democratic ideals that our country was founded upon.

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