As Leader: speak less, speak last

Dr Denry Machin
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2023


This article is part of the ‘Wisdom of Heads’ series: curated short advice for leaders (and aspiring leaders). Follow on Twitter for regular updates.

As leader, in meetings, speak last.

As soon as the most authoritative voice in the room speaks, all that follows is coloured by any views expressed. At the very least avoid starting with “I think X, what does everyone else think?” but, ideally, speak last.

And, when speaking:

1) Reflect back what you’ve heard, including divergent/unpopular views.

2) Draw in anyone who may not have spoken/you feel has more to add.

3) Ask open questions (Don’t say “Are we all agreed?”, ask “How certain are we on X…?”; the former assumes agreement, the latter invites discussion).

Also, monitor how much ‘air time’ you take up vis-a-vis others in the meetings. All voices matter, not just yours — as much as you like to hear it.

Speak less, speak last.

The Wisdom Of Heads

Dr. Denry Machin is an educational consultant specialising in teacher training and new school start-ups. His latest book ‘International Schooling: The Teacher’s Guide’ can be accessed here.

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Dr Denry Machin

Educationalist. Writer. Sharing (hopefully wise) words on school leadership and management.