‘Two is one, one is none’ (Or: Have a back-up)

Dr Denry Machin
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2024



‘Two is one, one is none’ is a common expression amongst Navy SEALS. It means: have a back-up.

If you usually carry one pen, carry two. One notepad, carry two. One calculator on your desk, a spare in the drawer. Ditto staplers, hole punches and post-its.

Always two, never one.

I am not suggesting that you load your pockets or start lugging a huge backpack around. But consider the time you lose searching out a calculator when you misplace yours or lend it to a colleague. Or the time lost scrambling to find a pen when your only one has run out.

It is far more efficient (and, if, say, you are running a meeting, far more effective) to have a back-up immediately to hand.

Other examples might include having ‘back-ups’ of your house keys, car keys, ID badge and, if you use public transport, your pre-paid card. Consider the time lost, and the frustration, when you misplace any of these items — we have all been there, usually on mornings when things are already running late. Having a spare, and a system for making sure the spare is always where it should be, will help you avoid time lost to those hair tearing aggghhh-where-on-earth-did-I-put-my-[blank] searches.

The reduction in stress will also make you more effective; you will be calmer and more able to focus on the day/tasks ahead.

Having back-ups of a few critical items protects your time — and your sanity.

Two is one, one is none.

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Dr. Denry Machin is an educational consultant specialising in teacher training and new school start-ups. His most recent book, ‘International Schooling: The Teacher’s Guide’, can be accessed here.



Dr Denry Machin

Educationalist. Writer. Sharing (hopefully wise) words on school leadership and management.