Lineage And Reality Decides Wisdom And Actions Of People

An interesting cultural story

Dr. Preeti Singh
The Pen & Prose


Photo by Europeana on Unsplash

Introducing Subodh

I am replaying and sharing this popular cultural story in India with you which shows that lineage and reality play a part in the wisdom, behavior, and actions of people.

India is known for its kings, so there are many stories of kings and courtesans and the behavior of kings towards their people.

The story goes like this,-there was a good king but not very wise. He was surrounded by poets, writers, singers, knowledgeable people, sages, and wise men.

One day a very knowledgeable person came to his town and his security men brought him to the court.

The king asked them “How do you know this man?”

“We don’t know him but he says he is very knowledgeable and has many degrees from learned institutions,” said the sentry.

“Let him in the court!” said the king.

The knowledgeable man let us call him Subodh (not his real name) came in and gave a salute and a manly bow in reverence to the king.

The king told him to introduce himself.

Subodh said he was from another village but heard that there was a congregation of different…



Dr. Preeti Singh
The Pen & Prose

Doctorate in Finance, Professor, Author, I write about Life’s experiences, edutech. 9xTop writer.