The beauty of Co-existence

Krishna Samyuta
The Pen & Prose
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2023
Photo by William Warby on Unsplash

Buzzz buzzz buzzzz!

Came in a bee through the window, gazed at me and flew away,

A lot of questions came flashing through, by the look in the eyes of the little bee.

Have you ever thought about me?

Do you know my life is more than the buzzzz, more than the honey you steal!

I give life to all of you and yet you take it from me.

My heart ached and was filled by the warmth of gratitude.

I thought of the bees and their lives, they were worthy enough to owe our existence to them.

Imagine the earth without bees, no pollination, no trees, no life.

Our world might come to an end sans the support of these little angels.

To confess my love, I planted more and indulged myself with the sight of bees feeding on nectar.

Isn’t it too cruel to steal the honey, collected by bees, little by little by kissing the flowers.

They do all the hardwork and we rob all the sweetness from their life.

Tendency of humans to steal, lack of compassion towards others makes us heartless!

Coexistence is the beauty of life. Earth could be a happy place if our needs and wants are clearly distinguished.

Love towards all the beings, respect towards every life, heaven is down here and nowhere else.



Krishna Samyuta
The Pen & Prose

An environmentalist, linguaphile and an ardent believer of holistic living. Enthusiastic towards life and love.