Your Chances of Getting Boosted

Inside the mind of the Medium Algo

Surekha Chandrasekhar
The Pen & Prose


Photo by Haithem Ferdi on Unsplash

Hi friends,

I was away for a while from serious writing.

There were many reasons, the main ones being my travels and home renovation. I am sort of feeling out of place with no friends visible. I wasn’t keeping in touch. Sorry friends!

I am sitting in a book cafe and thinking of Medium, the future of my publication, and the future of my blogs.

I have posted one or two blogs without tagging friends and they received barely any views or comments. How to survive as a writer in this situation?

There’s nothing one can do except speak to the void or catch the attention of the Boost.

As writers, we are all dreaming of our stories getting boosted for that much-needed visibility, following, peer motivation, and of course monetary rewards.

How to achieve this goal?

I have the experience of one of my stories getting boosted giving me great satisfaction and content as a writer. Love was showered from so many readers, my gratitude to each one of you🙏❤️

Now, let me address the topic of the day…

How to get that acclaimed Medium Boost?

📝 Write Consistently and Engage

This will definitely keep you floating. Write consistently. Engage with your fellow writers. They will get back to you and read your stories giving you the much needed moral strength and motivation. Without this vitamin ‘M’ you won’t be able to fire your passion.

Even when you are not writing engage and read.

✍️ Find Your Niche

You need to find your niche and stick to it sooner or later. Your niche is your comfort zone. Within your niche, you write effortlessly. Algo loves effortless writing. You need to be in this beautiful effortless zone to get discovered by Mr. Algo.

To find your niche you need to write on different topics initially. The saying goes that ‘ write 100 blogs’ before you discover your niche.

So start it.

Challenge yourself to that 100-blog turning point. Write when inspiration strikes or sit under an apple tree… ( pun intended 😉)

Once you discover your niche, Algo is sure to discover you 💖.

😌 Have Patience

What you do while you are waiting matters a lot.

Have the heart to write even if no one reads. It is like ,dance like no one is watching…💃

But, you must have a clear idea of your destination before you start.

Visualization helps you manifest your destination.

At least no one is going to stop you unless you are writing for a publication with certain rules and guidelines.

📝 Find Your Publication

Finding a publication that fits your niche will get you one step further towards the boost.

So, there you are…

All set for the next boosted story 🍀

You might ask me if I found my niche yet?

Not yet…

I am still striving to reach my 100th blog.

Love and hugs

Friends hoping you are all doing great 💖

Did you check out my Substack Newsletter? Please do subscribe. It is currently free.

You are welcome to my new and upcoming publication The Pen and Prose. This publication will concentrate on books and authors along with impactful personal stories that can inspire.

I will be updating the Submission guidelines very soon.

Inviting writers who love to read and write about it📝. A good review is always in demand.

The third Newsletter from my Substack Freshly Brewed is out! You can read it here.

Please consider Subscribing, it is free now.

Here’s a friendly tag 💕 Consider yourself tagged if I missed some of you 🙏

Dr. Preeti Singh Fahaz Hameed Yana Bostongirl Kristina God Adrian CDTPPW Aiden (Illumination Gaming) Michael Rhodes Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles Rui Alves Mary Chang Story Writer Dr Nicole Janz, Author & Coach Toni The Talker DR Rawson - The Possibilist Sherry Atkinson Prahalad Rajkumar pockett dessert B.R. Shenoy Bruce Coulter Shereen Bingham

Check out this amazing story by Dr. Preeti Singh in The Pen and Prose.

