Caine Miller : Co-Founder of Lux Building

LUX Building
The People of Lux Building
3 min readMar 17, 2015

Caine’s early experiences in the building industry began with his late grandfather Ronald: tagging along to job sites and spending time with him around the office, Caine had a rare opportunity to experience work with someone two generations his senior.

These were fond memories

As a late teen he began his carpentry apprenticeship under the collective guidance of his uncles Mick and Ron Schumann in his hometown of Forster.

“These were the very early days for me in building.”

“As a first-year apprentice you learn what hard work feels like, and the key things that I take from this early yet short period in my career as a builder, is the inspirational work ethic that both of my uncles had, as well as their ability to maintain a sense of humour on site.”

“They knew how to work long and hard, and they could always make you laugh.”

“They are true larrikins, my uncles”

After his first year as an apprentice Caine relocated to Sydney and continued his training and development under a very well respected builder in the Sutherland Shire — Paul Martin Building.

In a very short time Caine saw himself fill the role of foreman for Paul Martin Building and in 2003 completed his trade certificate. He enjoyed the responsibilities as a foreman and was regarded highly as a skilled carpenter and valued member of the team.

Growing up in Forster, Caine loves the ocean and finds that it plays a fundamental part in his happiness and health.

When Caine isn’t managing developments for clients and looking after their needs, he is often in the ocean riding his surfboard, or out on calmer waters with his wife Erin, trying not to fall off their stand-up paddle boards.

By 2005 Caine had completed Certificate IV in Building Studies, and in 2006 Caine left what was a fruitful and nourishing partnership with Paul Martin Building to start his own business, building his first new home at the age of 24.

After reaching this milestone in his building career Caine decided to travel and work abroad, working on numerous heritage-listed properties in the UK market, and continuing learning new skills and techniques along the way.

Caine with LUX Building co-founder Daniel Hespe

2009 saw Caine return to Australia, working as site manager on large-scale commercial sites in Sydney up until 2011, when Caine and Daniel (another apprentice of Paul Martin Building) formed a partnership, and LUX Building was born.

When asked about how his values inform the work LUX Building does today, Caine is philosophical:

Developers these days do have a choice: they can build things that add to the problems facing our environment and societies, or they can explore ways to do things with little or no impact.”

“I will have a family of my own in the future and I want them to enjoy the clean environment that I took for granted.”

“Many large developers have taken the steps to become more sustainable in their processes due to a mixture of consumer demand and legislation.”

“Lux Building is on a pathway towards continuous sustainable development because we want to be responsible for homes and renovations that are not only beautiful, inspirational and of a high quality, but because we know that we can do it all without destroying the things we love in the process.”

“But, these are early days for us regarding sustainability; we have a lot to learn.”

Whilst Caine is just beginning the long and challenging journey towards sustainability with Lux Building, his history of hard work and success shows that Lux Building will be an example of sustainable building and design into the future.



LUX Building
The People of Lux Building

Professional builders focused on quality, sustainability and aesthetic design.