Via Romea Germanica VIII

Bolzano, Italy to Termeno: Led into a trap, skipping the mountain museum, two lakes and one lovely glass of prosecco.

Castel San Firmiano, Bolzano, Italy.

Led astray by my GPS on the outskirts of Bolzano, we had ventured through an open gate in a high chain link fence. The trusty GPS indicated we just needed to walk to the other end of a short dirt road, and we would emerge back upon our designated route.

We took its advice.

The road abruptly terminated, facing an impassable gate, a barrier designed to exclude the public. “Obviously this won’t work,” I muttered to Mary. We turned back, retracing our steps.

When we reached the end of the road where we had begun, we were horrified to see the gate we had passed through was also shut.

We were trapped — two mice in a large chain link cage!

Welcome to the Peripatetic Historian’s multi-part series about hiking Italy’s Via Romea Germanica. If you have stumbled across today’s installment by accident and have no idea what is happening, you might prefer to begin at the start of the series, here: Hiking the Via Romea Germanica.

Otherwise, let’s continue the journey.

This morning we cinched backpacks over our shoulders and returned to the Via…



Richard J. Goodrich - The Peripatetic Historian
The Peripatetic Historian

The Peripatetic Historian: former history professor now travelling the world and writing about its history. Newsletter: