
Rhea Upadhyay
The Perks Of Being A Listener
3 min readSep 29, 2017

Formal restaurants make attempts to serve fish, embellished with, either, fresh or sautéed vegetables. Depending on the server, the fish, sometimes, comes between the starter and the meat course. This course meal could be escorted by a petite plate of lemon, or in this French case, lime sorbet, to accomplish cleansing the palate from one flavor to another. The diversity of various flavors in dishes, forces the cleanser to be penned down as an eminent complement to main courses.


When your feet are in the cleats of a listener, the most terrific position you could be placed on is where your strengths are made use of at full potential, optimizing ability but, curtailing the probability of misinterpretations from taking place. This is actually much more difficult than it sounds; To “comprehend” calls for desire, knowledge, and practice. You CANNOT list yourself as a skilled listener based on the sole argument that you have put your ears all out; You must use all (or atleast most) of your senses to specifically listen.

Some rudimentary paths to walk across, in order to upgrade our ability to have speakers understood by us, act like the droplets of lemon juice from the cleansing plate (Brown, 2005);

1. Attention: Not each and every distraction can be eliminated from an environment of listening- If this were possible, the outright deficiency of any form of stimuli would, perhaps, divert attention. Hence, fruitful listeners teach themselves to honor their presence in the conversation, disregarding interruptions. Although not everyone can do so throughout time, any pupil is capable enough to cause upsurge to their attention span.

2. Communication Nature: Nonverbal communication is any communication conveyed in body motions, instead of words; paralanguage (how something is said), proxemics (the use of space), artifacts (physical objects), or environment (Knapp, 1980). In situations of all kinds, your listening comprehension can considerably be boosted up as a result of understanding the particular contextual influences and eventually, altering meaning. Shouting in a jam-packed, vociferous is dissimilar to shouting at someone in midst of an argument. Some approaches towards such an understanding:

  • Studying nonverbal communcation
  • Examining context
  • Construing verbal and nonverbal conversations in sync
  • Feedback to clarify your perceptions
  • Taking guard against stereotyping

3. Vocabulary: Undeniably, if you are unable to have a speaker’s words attributed to meaning, or your interpretation varies directly from that of the speaker’s, you have an issue with listening comprehension. Improvising on your vocabulary would not only allow you to appreciate thoughts and ideas, but concepts and words too. When you detect the incorporation of an unfamiliar word, the meaning behind the point can be inferred. To grasp such a skill, you should:

  • Read
  • Study words
  • Modify your experiences
  • Work on the basis of an orderly way to vocabulary enhancement

Since the petite plate of lemon does not stay served on the table for a long time, for now, these suggestions are enough. Moreover, having tried the above mentioned strategies, I can conclude that avoiding or ignoring distractions is an immensely difficult task to do. My eye kept rolling from left to right, and the other way, because my attention wandered from the speaker I conversed with, to other people moving around us. The other two lemon drops were comparatively uncomplicated to taste. Making an attempt to learn about the speaker’s context permitted me to have a positive understanding of our communication.

Lastly, being aware of as many vocabularies as possible bolstered my level of judgment hence, I would definitely have you go through the same process as I did to ensure a satisfactory stage of listening. People, like you and me, listen poorly since they are more eager to talk than to listen; They have to desire to be entertained, they capitulate to bigotries and interventions, and are fearful when it comes to difficult material. You can become an adequate listener solely by working on your ability to envision speakers, and by providing labor towards the successful analysis and evaluation of speakers.



Brown, S. (2005). Writing marketing: Literary lessons from academic authorities. London: Sage Publications.

Knapp, M. L. (1980). Essentials of nonverbal communication. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

