I’m Not a Writing Success Because I Write Personal Essays

I stopped writing to make money and started having fun again

Jason Weiland
The Personal Essayist


Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash

I complain, but I complained a lot more in the past about why success hasn’t found me after years of writing on the internet.

It’s tough when you write for a platform like Medium.com for years and am only earning a few hundred dollars when you see all these kids coming in and writing pseudo-self-help and guides about how to make money on Medium, and they are earning thousands after only a few months.

My paranoid mind starts dreaming up these scenarios when a few rogue editors for Medium have blackballed me and put me on a list of writers not to curate and promote. I start thinking that algorithms are being throttled so I don’t receive any traffic or reads.

After all this time, I start thinking that I truly am a crappy writer, and no one is connecting with my work. After all, my stats on News Break went in the toilet after my Medium stats, so ‘they’ must have realized what a terrible writer I was and stopped showing my work to the readers.

Like many writers, I think only of the worst-case scenario instead of seeing the truth right in front of me.

The Real Reasons My Stats Suck



Jason Weiland
The Personal Essayist

Personal essays and articles from a guy who never tires of writing about his life - jasonweiland.substack.com