Beat Procrastination With These 5 Simple Tricks

Easy, powerful, and effective ways to get stuff done.

Yash Tiwari
The Personal Growth Project
4 min readJul 16, 2022


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Almost many of us procrastinate daily without realizing it. Studies have shown that approximately 80%–95% of college students procrastinate to a certain degree, about 70% consider themselves procrastinators, and around 50% do so frequently and consistently. Moreover, studies have also shown that procrastinators experience guilt, shame, and anxiety after putting off important tasks. For those who are not familiar with the concept:

Procrastination is when you choose not to complete the task you should be doing in favor of something else. Often, procrastinators avoid unpleasant tasks to focus on more pleasurable ones. Putting off achieving your goals can lead to less productivity if you procrastinate too long, resulting in discouragement and depression. Therefore, in this article, we will talk about some simple and powerful tips you can utilize in your daily life to avoid procrastination.

#1: Admit That You’re Procrastinating.

If you can’t admit the fact that you are procrastinating, then these tips or advice won’t be that beneficial to you. You might not be aware that you are delaying a task, revising your priorities for some chores, or delaying other things indefinitely. Even if you have a substantial cause, you must be aware that you are acting this way.

If you are short-delaying an important task for a genuine cause, it’s not procrastinating. However, if you are switching focus to avoid the task you are supposed to finish, you are certainly procrastinating.

“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.” — Mark Twain

#2: Use the Five-Minute Rule.

The Five-Minute Rule is one of the most well-known pieces of advice used by numerous people to deal with procrastination. It is a cognitive behavioral therapy technique in which you set a five-minute time limit on a task you have to do. If it becomes unbearable after five minutes, you may stop. Most people, however, find it easy to keep going after five minutes of doing something. So, what does the technique imply?

Making the decision to start and setting the intention is the hard part when we work on a task. However, when you think of doing the task for just five minutes, it feels less overwhelming and more doable, giving you less reason to procrastinate.

Learning Time Management will effectively and efficiently help you keep time for important things in your daily life. You will tend to get more carefree and comfortable with your schedule instead of being stressed and uneasy. So, don’t give up on that and try the five-minute rule.

#3: Try the Power Hour.

The Power Hour is a technique in which you sit in your chair and prepare to complete the deadline or task you want to finish in one hour. Prepare all the necessary things you need before the power hour, such as a beverage, pen, paper, a list of tasks you have to accomplish, a bathroom break, etc. Do not allow distractions such as unrelated calls, negative self-talk, unnecessary breaks, coffee refills, internet browsing, unproductive social media time, or anything not directly connected to your current task.

Include this amazing technique once a week in your daily life, and you will be amazed to see the results during the power hour. Additionally, you can keep your mind busy with some mind mapping courses to keep productivity alive.

#4: Forgive Yourself.

Most people over-complicate their to-do lists with tasks they surely won’t complete. You already have an idea of tasks you can complete in a single day or hour. Therefore, you don’t need to go overboard with the number of tasks on your to-do list. So, cut yourself some slack and just select the tasks that you are certain you can finish without procrastinating.

“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.”
Charles Dickens

#5: Make it Fun.

This technique will aid you in maintaining your commitment to your timetable by making the procedure mildly amusing. I follow this rule and it certainly helps me in adjusting and finishing my work on time. By making it fun, I mean you can reward yourself with anything you like. After completing a certain task, you can reward yourself with a pair of shoes, clothes, or food. This way you can turn your habit of dealing with procrastination into a useful tool to finish your tasks on time.

So, these were the five tips I follow to deal with procrastination. If you hesitate to move on, be sure to accept the truth. Thanks for reading this article.

