How I Took My Mental Health To a Better Place

The Personal Growth Project
5 min readDec 8, 2021

Being mentally ill is never easy, you have to deal with millions of thoughts on a daily basis, you have to gather so much energy to push yourself out of bed, you have to fake smile all the time, and do so much more things just to survive and live another day. But life really doesn't have to be this way, and whatever or whoever made you think as if sadness is distanced for you was wrong. you are WORTH LIVING, and I’m here to give you some advice to help you live with a better mental health state.

Accept: some things in life we can do nothing about but accept it the way it is. we just have to understand that these things are all things that are out of our control, and you need to stop worrying, stressing, or even thinking about things you can't control, this will only lead to your energy getting drawn and to you being stuck in your head even more, so just let it be.

It is what it is.

Forgive yourself: yes you might’ve done some bad things in life you regret, but we are all human beings, and making mistakes is very natural for us. The most important thing is that you learned your lesson, and now it’s time to understand yourself and forgive it.

The life in front of you is far more important than the life behind you.

Let go of expectations: expecting things from other people will only leave you hurting. You are making those fake scenarios in your head which in reality might never happen. You need to stop breaking your own heart with these thoughts of high expectations. And you need to understand that no one really has to serve these expectations to you.

If you expect nothing from people, you’re never gonna get disappointed.

Take care of yourself: you need to PUT YOURSELF FIRST, and you must know that no one is coming to save you, this life is 100% your responsibility, and it’s up to you to make it a beautiful life to live. You are the only person who has been there and will be there for you all the time, so make sure you know no one deserves more energy, effort, time, work, and love out of you more than you.

You are the greatest project you will ever work on.

Be okay with being alone: it’s more than okay to spend time alone, getting to know yourself and doing the things you love in life, depending on no one to make you happy but yourself, taking yourself out on a date, and serving all you need to it.

Before anything else, find yourself, be yourself, and love yourself.

Let go of what no longer serves you: some things are meant to cross our paths only to teach us certain things about life, then end. And despite how sad it is for things to end, and how hard it is to let go of what you wanted to last forever, this will still be one of the things you must accept about life which is that some things are meant to end for better things to start, and sometimes when things get toxic, it’s better to stay away than let that toxicity destroy you, your mental health and your life. You need to be ready to let go, and open to receive what’s better.

Trust that better things are coming.

Let go of pain: pain is an emotion, it’s not meant to stay there always. HEAL what hurt you, deal with your traumas instead of ignoring it and pushing it away, learn what you must learn, accept what you must accept, and let go, of the pain.

One of the most courageous decisions you’ll ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul.

Give more than you take: fill yourself with so much love, passion, life, and more positive good things and energies, enough so you would give others around you right after you gave yourself. This way you are not waiting for others to give you what’s already inside you. Love, and give that love to all people around you, you never know who needs it.

Look at things with love.

Whatever you have, it is enough: you must know you are enough no matter how much it is you can offer. Have the confidence and know your worth enough to the point where you walk away when someone doesn't see your worth and thinks you are not enough. And have the courage to let people know it is a take it or leave it deal. You must not live with people who make you doubt your worth and potential.

Being alone is better than being with someone who can’t see your worth.

Stop caring what these people think: you are not controlling your own life if you care about what people think about you and what you do, your life is being controlled by their opinion. It’s up to you to either stop caring about them, stop giving their opinion value and free yourself, or keep yourself trapped, stopping your own self from living the life you want only because you don’t want to be this or that for them. In the end, you only have one life to live, we are all gonna die, so stop caring.

This is who I am, nobody said you had to like it.

Give yourself a break: it is okay to not feel okay. Sadness is also a part of our lives, and honestly, sh*t happens, give yourself some time to feel sad. Stop going hard on yourself, you are still a human being take it easy and ask yourself “would I treat my best friend the way I’m treating myself? Would I say that to her?” if the answer was no that would hurt her, then why do it/ say it to yourself?. Be gentle when it comes to your own heart and feelings.

Talk to yourself with respect, kindness, and compassion.

Happiness is a mindset: in the end, it’s all in your head. It’s about what you feel for what you have, and not the things you have. Be grateful and always look at the good in your life because we never appreciate what we have till it’s gone, so enjoy where you are at, and enjoy what you have, and surely work on what you want or where you want to be to reach your dreams.

To change the way you feel, change the way you think.

Keep it simple: life can get complicated very easily. Complicated feelings, thoughts, situations, and more. but you don't have to allow that to affect you. Just take life very simply, you don't like a situation, work on it, if not then walk away. You don't like the feeling of doing that thing, then don't. it's really that simple.

Life is short, take the trip, buy the shoes, eat the cake.

Remember, you survived 100% of your bad days, you got this. Even mental health problems and storms don't last forever when dealt with the right way. I hope you take it easy on yourself and start looking at life from a very different more positive perspective, and I hope you heal. I also hope you never give up. Thank you for taking the time to read, I hope I really did something helpful in this article that would influence your life positively.



The Personal Growth Project

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