Lean On God’s Support — It’s What You Need.

Unlocking the divine protection that comes with prayer

Avigail Laing
The Personal Growth Project


Photo by Jerry Zhang on Unsplash

“For He will deliver the needy when he cries,
The poor also, and him who has no helper.”

— Psalm 72:12

As humans, we are inevitably fragile, needy, and vulnerable to suffering.

But as I truly learned today, we don’t have to bear any of this weight on our own.

When I began running my 5 miles this morning, my foot flared with incredible pain.

I was so scared of having an injury that would keep me from running, but I closed my eyes and asked God how to run without feeling pain.

I spent most of the three miles running with my eyes closed, channeling God’s guidance into my running form.

I let my body adjust itself as I asked for guidance, and my form slowly shifted into something effortless and fluid.

Miraculously, by the end of the run, the pain had vanished from my foot.

I could run without pain, and my heart felt so full from the way I was able to spend the whole run in worship.

I again felt fear before walking into school for the first class of my final semester.



Avigail Laing
The Personal Growth Project

Motivational speaker, author to be, and host of "The Personal Growth Project" podcast. Fusing faith & self-improvement. 🌷🕊✨