Make Your Day 200% More Productive With These 3 Tips

The easiest ways to boost your productivity

The twist
The Personal Growth Project
2 min readMar 27, 2022


Photo by @hudsoncrafted on PIXABAY

1. Stop scrolling on your phone at the beginning of the day.

Scrolling down through your Facebook, Gmail, or IG account in the morning will drain your energy at the beginning of the day, so don’t hesitate to keep your phone aside during the first 3 hours of your morning routine.

Wake up and just start to do your planned work without replying to the comments on your social media accounts or checking your phone.

Keep a separate time to reply to all your emails, and messages so that your planned work will not clash with it.

2. Prayer time/podcast

As a person who is strictly following a religion, I advise you to spend some time on religious activities in the morning.

It can be meditation, praying to God, or anything relevant to your religion. It will give you mental strength and help you prepare your mind for the day.

If you are an atheist, you can simply start your day with some self-motivation by listening to a motivational podcast to enhance your mental strength and confidence.

A prayer or a podcast will definitely prepare your mind for your work and is great therapy for your mind in the morning.

3. Work for three hours straight.

At first, this may be a little difficult, but with time, this will become a part of your daily routine.

The first hours of the morning are your most productive hours, so don’t waste your time on crap and instead work during those first three hours. Use those hours to turn your beast mode on.

This will not only make your more energetic and productive throughout the day, but it will also boost your efficiency.

It is scientifically proven that the way you spend the first hours of the day will suggest the productivity of the entire day, so make sure that you do not waste your energy on useless activities and instead use these tips to ensure you have a productive day.

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” — Paul J. Meyer

