Motivation Is Overrated (But Useful If You Do These 4 Things)

Why is motivation getting all the bad rep?

Mofrad Muntasir
The Personal Growth Project
5 min readOct 8, 2021


Photo by Roksolana Zasiadko on Unsplash

Every year in January, like clockwork, a large number of people join gyms to become fitter. There’s something truly motivating about a new year. With the calendar resetting, we get motivated to reset goals for ourselves. But unfortunately, that motivation doesn’t take us far enough. Only 20% of the gym joiners continue after 5 months.

I once participated in a cross-country race (half marathon) with almost a hundred other runners. There was one guy called Dev who got super pumped before the race. When the race started, I saw him sprinting off of the starting mark. Within 10 seconds he took a visible lead over other runners. The other long-range runners were perplexed. Dev was never known as a successful runner. One of the well-known runners tried to emulate that speed but that was not his game. He couldn’t catch up to Dev but that sprint did him more harm than good.

What happened to Dev? He started losing steam after a while too. This is exactly why you’d hear that motivation is overrated. Life is a marathon. Every achievement requires consistent hard work. A small burst of motivation can’t take us far. Usain Bolt didn’t wake up one…



Mofrad Muntasir
The Personal Growth Project

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