Want to Write For Us?

Submission guidelines for The Personal Growth Project

Avigail Laing
The Personal Growth Project


Photo by Brennan Burling on Unsplash

Welcome to The Personal Growth Project!

We are a publication centered around…you guessed it, personal growth!

We accept articles on anything related to personal growth and becoming the best version of yourself — these could be either informational articles with advice for our readers on how to level up their lives or your own stories and experiences with personal growth.

How to Be Added To Our Publication As a Writer

To be added to our publication, simply comment “I want to be a writer!” in the comment section below the article along with your Medium username (ex. @avigaillaing), and you will be added as a writer!

Additionally, don’t forget to clap for this article so that more people can see it.

Once you are added as a writer, you can submit as many articles as you want to our publication!

Here Are Some Quick Guidelines for Submission

  1. Since our publication aims to share your writing with a larger audience, we ask that you follow Medium’s curation guidelines. This will increase the likelihood of your article being spread across…



Avigail Laing
The Personal Growth Project

Motivational speaker, author to be, and host of "The Personal Growth Project" podcast. Fusing faith & self-improvement. 🌷🕊✨