Why “Done” Is The Most Powerful Word In Your Vocabulary

Melissa Smith
The Personal Virtual Assistant
3 min readSep 25, 2017


No other word feels quite as good to say as “done”. In Janet Choi’s article, The Art of the Done List: Harnessing the Power of Progress, she explains why and how we should track the things we have done throughout the day. It serves as both a progress and motivational tool.

In a world of never-ending to-do lists knowing what you’ve done and, more importantly, that what you have done matters is a great way to finish the day.

Knowing this about people, business owners, and our own psyche, why aren’t you using this word more with your clients? As a virtual assistant, your job is not only to do the work but also to let the client know when it’s completed. Why are you diminishing the win with long status checks and completion reports? No matter how you communicate with your client no word in your vocabulary will have the same effect as “done”.

Imagine yourself as your client. You’ve got meetings, you have ideas swirling around in your head, you have personal commitments, you have a ton of things you want and need to do. You have so much going on it doesn’t occur to you to stop and take a breath. At 100 miles an hour, you’re in the zone. What could possibly stop you in your tracks, positively? To receive a message which simply says, “Done”.

Merriam-Webster defines done as: “arrived at or brought to an end”. Reading or hearing the word stops people in their tracks. Why? Because being done means something is final. How many things in life and business are final?

The dictionary also defines done as “physically exhausted”. This is the reason hearing “done” lifts the weight. Business owners carry a weight with them even when something is delegated. Why? Because as the leader they are ultimately responsible for what does and doesn’t get done. As soon as you let your client know that something is done she can drop that weight. I have yet to meet someone who doesn’t want to drop weight physically or metaphorically.

So where are we going wrong as virtual assistants? Over sharing, not being concise, sending too much information, and not allowing the business owner to celebrate what has been accomplished is our problem. What does this look like? It’s the email that says what you completed and then lists what you are working on next. It’s the text that says the work is finished and then asks several follow-up questions. It’s the phone call where you tell your client what you did today and then quickly move on to next’s week schedule.

In trying to use the time with your client wisely you have just done the opposite. You haven’t lifted the weight or burden. On the contrary, you’ve added a fresh load without letting them take anything off.

What is the solution? Simple, say, type, text, email “Done” and walk away. You’ll be tempted to possibly add “congratulations” or “talk soon” or some other form of conversation. Don’t! Let the power of done sink in and marinate. You’re a virtual assistant, plan to get your questions, next steps, or follow-up later. In the moment all your client needs is the space to drop the weight and feel good that something is done. They no longer have to think about it, hold it in their back of their minds, or ask you for an update.

Using “done” wisely will make you more valuable than you can imagine. Be the calming voice in your client’s life. Celebrate their wins and simply be done.

Because you can’t do it all yourself….Melissa Smith, The PVA is the bestselling author of Hire the Right Virtual Assistant and host of the Admin to VA Summit. To learn more about working with a Virtual Assistant contact Melissa here.



Melissa Smith
The Personal Virtual Assistant

World traveler. Virtual Assistant Matchmaker. Remote Work Consultant. Entrepreneur. Bestselling Author. Mother. Sister. Daughter. Human. Everybody is somebody.